divendres, 11 de setembre del 2009

"Estimaràs a la resta d'humans", diuen la majoria de religions...(català / english)

(Please, note that this is the Catalan version of the article, being the English one further below)

...però sembla ser que les religions no es prenen mai al peu de la lletra. Per la majoria, la religió no és més que una excusa per ompir el cap i pensar: "bé, hi ha això a l'altra banda, ja no m'haig d'amoinar per res!"

No puc sentir res més que pena després d'haver pesenciat una escena terriblement patètica avui, que no ha sigut sino una mostra de com en podem arribar a ésser, d'egoistes, els humans.

En aquesta societat capitalista en la que ens ha tocat viure, prima el plaer individual, i en cap moment el benefici social.

Era avui davant d'una esglèsia molt bonica i tenia curiositat per veure-la per dins i fer un parell de fotografies. Al apropar-m'hi, he vist que era plena a vessar, així que m'he esperat a fora.

Assegut a les escales, davant de la porta, he tingut oportunitat de veure com la gent entrava i sortia de l'esglèsia, resava i murmurava coses amb la vista posada al cel. Tots ells es pensaven que eren grans persones, que eren a la "casa de déu" (deixeu-me riure, un moment) i que per haver vingut -ara i d'altres vegades, m'imagino-, tindran una vida afable i tranquil·la un cop siguin morts.

El que cap d'ells ha semblat veure ha sigut una pobre dona d'uns seixanta anys que suplicava diners al costat de l'entrada. Tots passaven pel davant, s'apartaven i la miraven amb ulls estranys. Què fàcil és tenir diners i no haver de donar-los! Què fàcil és anar a resar o a confessar-se i després tornar a ser una deixalla al sortir de l'esglèsia!

Al veure a la dona en qüestió demanant persona per persona i després de comprovar que tothom l'esquivava com si fos un gos rabiós, m'hi he apropat i li he donat l'equivalent rus a 50 centims d'euro. No és pas res, però en aquella plaça debia haver-hi 100 persones, i en aquella esglèsia 20. Si tots i cada un dels que eren a l'esglèsia li haguessin donat 50 cèntims d'euro, hauria pogut menjar 10 dies. Si tots i cada un dels que eren a la plaça li haguessin donat 50 cèntims, potser hauria pogut fins i tot comprar-se roba nova. Però el pitjor de tot, és que si totes les persones a les que haurà demanat diners durant la seva trista vida, li haguessin ofert aquesta quantitat, ara ella tindria millor pis que jo. Desgraciadament, veig que segueix al carrer, sense roba ni menjar, patint el -aviat- terrible clima de la ciutat.

Al allunyar-me, doncs ja no tinc ganes d'entrar al edifici, veig que es guarda els diners a la butxaca i avança ferma cap a una altra persona que surt de l'esglèsia.

La tornen a esquivar.


"You'll love the other humans", say most of the religions...

...but it seems like the religions are never taken seriously. For most, religion is no more than an excuse to fill their heads and think: "well, that's what there's on the other side, now I don't have to be worried anymore!"

I cannot feel more than sadness after having seen a terribly pathetic scene today, which has not been more than a proof of how selfish we, humans, can be.

In this capitalist society in which we have to life, it's more important the individual pleasure than the social benefit.

I was, today, standing in front of a very beautiful church and I had curiosity to see how it was inside and I wanted to take a couple of pics. As I drew closer, I saw that it was full of people, so I've stood outside, waiting.

Sitting in the stairs, opposite the door, I've had the chance to see people getting in and out of the church. They were praying, whispering and looking at the sky. All of them were thinking that they were such great persons, that they were at "God's home" (let me laugh, just a second) and that, just for having come -now and several times, I guess- they will just have an agreable and calm life once dead.

What none of them saw was a poor old woman, who must have been about 60 years old and who was begging for money close to the door. How easy is to go and pray and get confessed, and then get off the church and become a trash again!

As I saw the woman asking one by one, and as I noticed that all of them were avoiding her like she was a dog, I went straigth to her and gave her 0.50 €. That was anything, but in that place there must have been about 100 people, and 20 in the church. If everyone of those who were in the church had given her 0.50 €, she would have been able to eat for 10 days. If everyone of those who were in the place had given her 0.50 €, she might have been able to buy new clothes. But worst of all, is that if everyone of the persons to whom she must have begged in her sad life had given her 0.50 €, now she'd be having a better appartment than the mine one.

Unfortunately, I can see she's still on the street, without clothes or food, suffering -soon- the terrible weather of the city.

As I get away from the place, since I do not want to get into the church anymore, I can see that she puts the money on her pocket and she goes straigth towards another one who's getting off the church.

Again, she's avoided.

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